Monday, 19 December 2011

Disaster Recovery - TEN and out? ........Not a chance

There are many things in life that annoy me…..

But the thing that annoys me most is people that are incapable of accepting a losing bet. If that sounds like you then please, do me a favour and stop reading the blog now….

Nobody likes a losing bet and it'd be a little bit worrying if that wasn't the case…But you know what, they happen, and infact you get days like saturday where I amazingly had 10 out of 10 losses across the 3 systems, yes it was frustrating to see so many bets go down to late winners and shock goals…but you know what you have to GET OVER IT!

That may sound a little harsh but:..."it's for your own good".
One of the main factors that sets professional gamblers apart from amateurs is attitude…..Professional gamblers don't screw up everything they've worked on and start again each time they have a losing bet – they take it on the chin, learn from it and move on. (Sunday had 4 out of 5 winners, and the value highlights were again in imagine if I'd given up/taken the day off...which I did consider after the straight 10 from hell...but I dusted myself off and continued to back the value)

If you can do that, you stand a chance in this game…

If however, you're the sort of person that cancels one week into a four week trial on the basis that the system or service is down a few points, you will NEVER EVER make any money from betting… 

Will do a full review when I get chance in the coming weeks, but the ACCOUNT bets continue to be an impressive 30% ROI, the Premier League value highlights are nicely in profit, Top Draw is just below profit which on what is a long term 'churn' at good odds is not a concern after less than 100 bets..unfortunately Luckylucas Lower League is a way from profit, but sure it will settle, after all backing at value will eventually pay!

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